Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Play Dates and Spanish Lessons

Madeline was a busy little girl last week. Wednesday night Little E, who is almost nineteen months old, came over to visit while his mom got things in order for a garage sale. He was interested in everything that had buttons. Mike turned on the garbage disposal (the switch is below the sink and at eye level for a toddler) and guess who thought he needed to turn it on as well? ha! Every time he visits he reminds us of the things we need to childproof :). Mike had them both in the wagon and pulled them around the house. He didn't mind having Madeline in the wagon with him, but he didn't want her touching his sippy cup. Every time she tried to grab the cup he would take it out of the cup holder!

Thursday Madeline had a play date with Landry. I met Landry and his family in the NICU when Madeline was born. I have stayed in touch with his mom since then and we have been trying to get the kids together. It was good to see him....but man he has grown so much since the last time I saw him.

My friend Lauren (from seminary) has been staying with us a few nights a week. She is a fluent Spanish speaker and has been trying to teach Madeline some Spanish. I think Madeline likes it when she is here and as you can see she is such good student!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wedding Weekend

Mike and I made our first trip without Madeline this past weekend. One of Mike's friends from college got married. I did not think I was quite ready to leave the baby girl just yet, but I knew I would have to eventually. We made arrangements for Mike's parents to babysit. Originally we had planned on dropping her off at their house, but after they saw the uhaul we carry when we go anywhere...they decided they would just come to Abilene. They came on Friday which gave Madeline some time to get used to the idea. So we headed out to Houston early Saturday morning (the wedding was at 6:30). It was an emotional trip for both of us and after our first stop we talked about just going back home, but we kept on truckin'. We surprisingly had a pretty good time. We got on the boat around 6:00 and returned a little before midnight. We planned to get up around 6:00 a.m. instead we didn't get up till around 8:00...and got home around 3:30. I think the dogs missed us more than Madeline!